Sudoku is a puzzle craze that has been sweeping the globe, it is a logic-based number placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. Play Sudoku online for free or download the grids to print and play offline. The Sudoku Solver sites offer you useful solving tools and there are special sites for kids as well.
15 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.

Play loads of puzzles online for free on Puzzlexpress! Here you will find all kinds of puzzles, word games, Sudoku, solitaire games and other puzzle types. You can play them online, on your desktop or on your Pocket PC. They also offer a program to solve your crosswords.

Simple Sudoku generates high quality puzzles that are symmetrical, with a single solution, and do not require trial. The user can also choose between five levels of complexity from easy to extreme. Each puzzle is generated randomly so there is an almost limitless selection. Simple Sudoku can also provide ...

SolveMySudoku is a simple online form to fill in your Sudoku puzzle. Fill in the form, then hit "Solve My Sudoku!" and the solution to your Sudoku puzzle will be generated instantly.


XSudoky is C application program that enables you to play a huge number of sudoku puzzles and understand its strategies. Requires Linux.

On this page of the site GamesfortheMind you can play the best Sudoku games and puzzles on the Internet: The Times Sudoku, Sudoku Challenge, Samurai Sudoku, Zylom Sudoku, Life Sudoku and many more Sudoku puzzle games.

By-art is a small website where you can play for free Mahjong solitaire, Sudoku, Collapse, Lines, Backgammon, Ruscell, Rsol and Swap. They also have some coll screensavers to downlaod for free.

QualitySudoku is a great resource for fans of Sudoku because you can download a new Sudoku every day, in PDF format suitable for printing. You can choose between eight different types of Sudoku depending on the difficulty: from the simplest to Samurai and bigger. If you register for free you can download ...

GPRO is a very interesting game that will appeal to fans of Formula 1. By wisely managing the budget you have to take your team to victory, building good race cars and choosing the best tires, studying race strategies with the help of the best staff and drivers - and also trying to be beat your competitors ...

A very nice site with free sudoku puzzle games which is easy to use. You can find hundreds of free printable sudoku puzzles (ind PDF format). Each book contains 18 puzzles with solutions. You can play the daily online puzzle or download Pure Sudoku, a free, visually and intellectually stimulating Sudoku ...


You are very welcome to download and try these award-winning solitaire card games, mahjong, and sudoku software - all compatible with Windows 8. In the 'Other Games' section you can also find totally free releases of Free Cell Solitaire (a collection of four games), Free Spider Solitaire, Free Puzzle ...