Find sites offering free web space for file hosting! Sites where you can back up, store, share or transfer all your files. To have all your files in one place with access from everywhere. Easily create and manage your contacts and calendar or temporarily host a file... Simple free services for businesses, professionals and individuals to keep safe copies or share files, recipes, images and more.
33 sites in this channel out of 3128 in the database.
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By just registering on this site you will be entitled to two weeks of free testing of MyPcBackup, through which you can make online storage of photos, music, e-mails, videos, documents, and more. The files will be accessible from anywhere (i.e. they will be synchronized) and the backup process is fully ...
With a cloud storage service like Just Cloud, you will be able to access your files from any device, anywhere, anytime. The cloud is a safe place both for backing up data, and for synchronization. This service is professional, but easy to manage, without space limits and provided with the most modern ...
FileServe is a free sharing and hosting service, where you can store up to 500 GB online. It is really easy to upload and share your files. You only need to create a free account and after choosing the file you want to share just click on the 'Upload' button to get a link to send to your friends or ...
Why not earn by giving your visitors the possibility to backup their data? The loss or theft of a computer can be a major problem, but the loss of data can make matters a lot worse. When this happens it's good to know you can restore your files quickly onto a replacement computer. Register for a Depositit ...
With Transfer Big Files you can send and receive large files to anyone in the world for free. It's easy: just upload your files, enter recipient(s) and send. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to download your file. The file is valid for 5 days or 20 downloads. Also great if you need to ...
This platform provides an easy opportunity for you to send large files to your friends, family, or business partners. Just upload the file you want to share and they will send you a download link to your file. You can pass this link to whoever you want by e-mail or messenger. makes file ...
ImageShack is an intuitive and easy-to-use free image hosting solution. It can be used to share pictures with friends, as well as to post images on message boards and blogs. It can also be used to direct link images on your personal website or online auction. ImageShack allows the following formats: ...
With Img-Up you can upload and share an unlimited number of photos free and without registration. The maximum file size is 8192 KB per image. It supports the JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and PSD formats. So you can show these pictures to friends and relatives and also send them by email. When you register, ...
If you have to send large files, your e-mai client may not be suitable. With JumboMail, you are allowed to send up to 5 Gigabytes of photos, music, documents, and any other file you want. For larger-size files (up to 20 GB), you will have have to go Pro and pay a fee.
Photobucket provides free video and photo sharing. Easily host and link all your videos and images to social networks, auction sites, blogs, message boards and more. You'll have 1 Gigabyte of space (about 10,000 videos and images), can create custom slideshows and upload from your mobile phone. Photobucket ...