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Temp Mail: Temporary email address

Temp Mail: Temporary email address screenshot

Temp Mail is a service that allows you to create an anonymous Email address that can be used for a short period and then discarded. This can be useful in situations where you need to provide an Email address but want to avoid using your real one or if you want to prevent spam. Temp Mail addresses are generated and used on the fly, so they are perfect for situations where you need an email address but don't want to share your real one. They are also helpful for signing up for websites or services you don't trust with your email address. Disposable temporary Email is not meant to be used as a permanent email address. If you need a permanent email address, you should create a new account with a reputable Email Service Provider (ESP).
Rating: 7.50, 2 Votes

Language: - English - Spanish - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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