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Allway Sync - free file synchronization software

Allway Sync - free file synchronization software screenshot

When you work, even just occasionally, on multiple computers, you usually want your files to be where you are. Although you could always remember to copy all the modified files manually, there is a better way to apply your skills. Allway Sync is free file and folder synchronization software for Windows. This utility searches for the latest versions of your files in the specified folders, and copies the modified file to the counterpart folder, i.e. it synchronizes your folders. You can also use a removable drive to synchronize them: flash keys, card readers, USB drives, MP3 players, digital cameras, CDRWs, SAMBA, removable hard drives and many others. They also offer free online file storage. Allway Sync is fast, safe, stable, easy-to-use and free!
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: Italian - English - Spanish - French - German - Updated on 10-Oct-2024.

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