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Check out MyWay: No banners, no pop-ups, no kidding

Check out MyWay: No banners, no pop-ups, no kidding screenshot

Take a look at MyWay - it's packed with all the stuff you like on the Internet, and none of what you don't. Some people don't mind a home page cluttered with ads and promos. However, most people would rather keep their Web experience simple, clean, and fast. My Way has partnered with Google, Ask, Yahoo! and LookSmart - to feature the world's best search engine along with their full portal offering ... all without banners, pop-ups, video ads, direct marketing and privacy concerns... with more room for news, sports, weather, entertainment, games, email, search and whatever else you want. It's the way the Internet was meant to be... great content, fun features, and no annoying distractions.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 12-Jul-2024.

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