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Ecorazzi - the latest in green gossip!

Ecorazzi - the latest in green gossip! screenshot

Celebrity gossip and news is a hot industry in today's social market. People the world-over are fascinated with their favourite stars: what they are doing, wearing, and driving and especially who they're dating. We often overlook, however, how some people are using their fame as a vehicle to highlight and educate on issues important to them. Ecorazzi exists to help celebrities further their good messages - and to offer you a way to follow your favourite celebs and perhaps learn something at the same time. You can find all, from environmental, humanitarian, animal rights to vegetarian issues as they relate to those in the spotlight. In the spirit of fair play, Ecorazzi is quick to point how who's slacking and who's deserving of recognition.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 12-Jul-2024.

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