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Deezer - Free music on demand

Deezer - Free music on demand screenshot

A website where you can listen to all the music from your favorite artists, for as long as you want and for free. All you have to do is type the artist's name in the search box to see a list of all their albums and songs. You can also get information about the song or musical group, access themed radio stations, create playlists and listen to all the new music without any limits. The list is really complete with millions of titles and you can even find songs from lesser-known musical genres. Basically a jukebox!
Rating: 6.00, 21 Votes

Language: Italian - English - Spanish - French - German - Updated on 12-Jul-2024.

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Until now it has been visited 30326 times and got 21 votes, with an average rating of 6.00 in a range from 0 to 10.

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