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Create funny pics with Magix FunPix Maker

Create funny pics with Magix FunPix Maker screenshot

Magix FunPix Maker lets you stretch, grow, or shrink details of images, add swirls to the left or right, add dents, tug on the ears and noses of crabby colleagues, magically get rid of a friend's beer belly, or... There's no limit to the experimentation possible with your images! Whether caricatures or artistic distortions - the results created provide one thing: fun! Besides, it's completely free! Magix also offers a free slideshow maker and Xtreme Print Studio, a free software to create unique CD/DVD cases and labels.
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 12-Jul-2024.

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  Crea una caricatura con Magix FunPix Maker

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