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Never be unaware that your site is down with AreMySitesUp!

Never be unaware that your site is down with AreMySitesUp! screenshot

If you have a hosting service or are a webmaster, one of the worst things than can happen is a client/customer calling YOU that THEIR site is down. They don't care that a hamster chewed through a network cable somewhere in Northern California. They want their website up. Of course it should be much better if you find out before they do so you can react fast! This is what 'AreMySitesUp' is all about. They monitor your sites and send you a notification when a site is down, complete with the HTML status error code. Their free plan will check up to five of your sites at least 25 times per day and you'll get unlimited email, Twitter or SMS notifications. Sign up for a free account now for your peace of mind!
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 12-Jul-2024.

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