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IMDb - Internet Movie Database: about cinema, tv, and celebrities

IMDb - Internet Movie Database: about cinema, tv, and celebrities screenshot

IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is one of the biggest movie sites, with movie of the day, photo gallery, top movies etc. At the news section, you find Celebrity News to keep you updated on the people in front of the cameras and also to scoop behind them. By subscribing the newsletter you'll be updated on the famous birthdays, anniversaries and what movies will be released today. They have a fun new tool for finding and discovering film and TV titles. MoKA lets you find titles that have a particular keyword and then presents a tally of all keywords from the titles that matched your initial keyword set. It's fun and you can quiz your film buff friends by seeing if they can identify a title by just the keywords! For people in the entertainment industry, IMDbPro offers now a free 14 days trial!
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 1-Feb-2025.

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