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Tel3 - free trial minutes to place international calls from your iPhone

Tel3 - free trial minutes to place international calls from your iPhone screenshot

Tel3 is a revolutionary new service that allows you to unify all your long distance needs in one easy to manage account. It is a one-of-a-kind prepaid long-distance phone service that you can use from any phone, your home, cell phone or even a payphone. There are already 120 million cell phone users out there with no cost-effective way of calling internationally. They offer 2 Free Trial Plans, for either Domestic or International calling, which means 30 free domestic minutes and 15 free international minutes. No obligations! Absolutely free, no purchase necessary! They will not charge you during your free trial period and they will notify you when you have one minute remaining. Have a try... Tel3 is by far the best deal for you!
Rating: 7, 1 Votes

Language: - English - Updated on 10-Oct-2024.

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