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POVRay - create 3D graphics |
Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics. It is available in official versions for Windows, Mac OS/Mac OS X and i86 Linux. The source code is available for those wanting to do their own ports. Visit their Hall of Fame, the images presented on that page show a selection of the types of art that can be created using POV-Ray. To a new user the concept of creating such images may seem daunting, but remember - all of the artists featured here were one day new users themselves. Language: - English - Updated on 19-Dec-2024. You are in » GratisFree.eu » Channels » Graphics » 3D » POVRay - create 3D graphics. Until now it has been visited 5463 times and got 2 votes, with an average rating of 10.00 in a range from 0 to 10. |