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St-Patricks-Day: songs, music, and Irish dancing

St-Patricks-Day may be just another day in the year, but it is also synonymous with Ireland and possibly the strongest Irish brand in existence. St. Patrick's Day is a time when the whole world becomes Irish and in particular the Irish diaspora thinks of visiting the ol' sod and "the folks back home". Of course, St. Patrick's Day wouldn't exist if not for the man himself! But how much do we know about him? Here you can find out the details about this great man! The St-Patricks-Day website is dedicated to the Irish around the world. If you have an Irish Pub, Parade, Celebration, Dancing school, Irish Association or Irish link, you can list it here for free!

711 visits

Campfire by 37signals: network-independent chatting and file sharing

Campfire is a web-based group chat tool. With Campfire you can invite a client, colleague, or vendor to chat, collaborate, and make decisions in an easy way. IM is network dependent, if you are on AIM, and your co-worker is on MSN or Skype, you can't instant message. Campfire is network-agnostic, optimized for groups, and only requires a web browser. There are so many ways to use Campfire. Chatting, file sharing, image previewing, etc. You can even browse previous chats by person, room, or date. It's web-based, so no need to download, install, or configure anything (no IT department required!). It's simple to use, all you need is a modern web browser and an internet connection. Get a free account and give it a try!

631 visits

Are you owed unclaimed money and don't know it? Find out with CashUnclaimed

It is estimated that 9 in 10 Americans are owed cash that sits unclaimed year after year. CashUnclaimed contains one of the largest databases for unclaimed money in the world. Their current database lists billions of dollars in unclaimed money, property, accounts and assets from all 50 states and several Federal agencies. They offer a free search of their database and it is most likely something will be found. Hundreds of millions of people are owed unclaimed government money and don't even know it. So it's quite likely that some of this money belongs to you. How much are you owed? Find out if you do with this easy free trial search and they will tell you exactly how much is listed under your name in just a few seconds. You'll be pleasantly surprised!

824 visits

The showcasing of financial services

The City-of-London website is a a unique independent, digital media, publishing, advertising, sponsorship and content marketing platform for the financial services industry that will help achieve increased efficiency and growth.

593 visits

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