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Short-Stories: free online short stories

If you love reading but have lack of time, you'll definitely like this site. At Short-Stories you can find free stories to read online, to download to your pc or handheld or to print. You can browse the library by genre or search it for a title, author or keyword. Clicking on an author's name lists all their stories along with further information and links. Stories are organised into nine categories: fiction, romance, crime, sci-fi & fantasy, humour, horror, interactive, children's and non-fiction. You can search for stories over all the categories by entering the name of an author, story or a description of a story into the search text field. Double clicking on any word in a story will bring up a dictionary definition along with an audio pronunciation of the word.

439 visits

Free yourself from the pressing of social networks with the SuicideMachine

Are you tired of your Social Network? Don't have any time left for other things as you're always online? Liberate yourself with the Web2.0 suicide! This machine lets you delete all your energy-sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. Feel free like a real bird again and un-Twitter yourself. Watch your life passing by and reflect upon your real & virtual friends when leaving Facebook. Call some friends, take a walk in a park or buy a bottle of wine and start enjoying your real life again after your virtual suicide. The Web 2.0 Suicide Machine runs with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn! They don't delete your account, they only remove your private content and friend relationships.

1135 visits

SentryPC - PC access and parental control software

With SentryPC you can now control, restrict and monitor access and usage of your PC, allowing access to what you want, when you want and for which users! Specify the hours, the days, and total usage time for virtually every aspect of your computer including prevent the use of specific programs, block access to certain websites, restrict access to Windows functions like Control Panel etc. It can block and record: chat activities, intercept the user if specific keywords (of your choice) are typed in an email, URL, document or other. Use it as a parental control tool, for your business, public computer access, or anywhere you wish to control computer usage! You can try it for free.

2989 visits

Get your own online store with BigCommerce

BigCommerce is the all-in-one ecommerce service for selling products online. Using BigCommerce you can quickly and easily create an online store to sell products online, process and ship orders, track inventory and completely customize the look and layout of your store in just a few minutes. By simply completing an online form, you can try BigCommerce free for 15 days! So if you always wanted your own online store, this is your opportunity. Don't miss out and try BigCommerce - the best way to sell online!

635 visits

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