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ClaimID - your free open ID with lots of extras

ClaimID is an easy and free way to manage your online identity with OpenID. They provide you with an OpenID which you can use to log into thousands of sites without ever having to create a new account or remember another password. On your claimID page, you can create a profile of all the sites that comprise your identity. They also offer a whole bunch of other fun, useful services, widgets and APIs, allowing you also to easily prove ownership of things like your blog or profile.

584 visits

Find useful information about every website with VisualizeTraffic

VisualizeTraffic is a free service that provides you with information about every site on the Internet. This real-time data is obtained using various sources. You will find out the Google Pagerank, how much the site makes a day, an estimate of how much it is worth, where it is hosted and how many unique visitors it receives. Furthermore, you can install some tools in your browser to get quick reports.

993 visits

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