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Museum Email Archive - What is it?

Museum Email Archive stores emails for your entire organization.

Quietly and smoothly.

All your organizations email history in one place.

Done in a secure way that gives access to only those who need it.

It really is information at your fingertips and its very easy to use.

Museum Email Archive - Why use it?

  • The high cost of not finding information
    Can you afford not to have the information you need when you want it?  Don't let the information you need be locked up and out of reach on your colleagues PC's!

  • Find emails quickly
    Not just your emails, but everyone's, displayed on your screen.
  • Visualize email history
    Easily see all the emails between between your organization and another.
  • Corporate compliance regulations, such as "Sarbanes - Oxley act".  
    Some jurisdictions require  an extensive audit trail of "in progress" documents - ones that are typically sent as emails.

Museum Email Archive - Features

Submission Methods:

Museum Email Archive - Usage


Museum will store all the emails you want to keep - automatically.

Orders, receipts, invoices, contracts, tax documents, customer emails - Museum can be setup to automatically submit everything in your email inbox that you don't delete or move. You can set Musuem to delay submission giving you time to delete the rubbish, move the personal ones - Museum will look after the rest without you having to do anything. 

Museum can monitor any Outlook folder.  You can monitor your Outlook sent items folder - chances are if you took the time to write it its worth keeping.

Museum can monitor a POP3 or IMAP account on an email server.  Museum can run on the same machine as the email server or on a completely separate one.  This can be used in a number of ways:

When monitoring a POP3 or IMAP server, you can control what actions are taken when a email has been retrieved.  You can configure rules to store or ignore emails.  The rules control which repository they are stored in, depending on the text of the subject, body, from or to address.



Q. Where is that security policy document Bill sent to our customer? 

A. Just a simple search on "Bill security" and the documents that match are listed. The required document is found.

Q. Where is that invoice from GMC for the sand blaster?

A. A search for "GMC and sand blaster" reveals 50 emails. Another click and the emails are listed in chronological order. I select the month of interest and immediately see the invoice.


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Broadgun Europe

Contact: Frank Hermes

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Coming Soon

Demonstration Museum Search Pages

The first demonstration has been built from more than 500,000 real email messages from the Enron Corporation.
It contains data from about 150 users, mostly senior management of Enron, that was originally made public here by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation.
This showcases how Museum handles a large number of documents / emails and, even with these large numbers, Museum sorts results quickly.
Click here to see the Museum Enron demonstration

The second demonstration is a random repository of documents on frogs, coffee, tennis, fishing and PDFs.
It consists of a large number of PDFs, some word documents and some emails.
You can see the document thumbnails in action.
Click here to see the Museum documents demonstration

Press releases

Museum Email Archive Version 2
Museum Email Archive Version 1


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