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BookBrowse- Booklovers' community with recommendations and book draw

If you like reading and are always looking for a good book, than BookBrowse will satisfy your needs. They don't sell books, they only review them. You can find both fiction and non-fiction. They select from the best and most interesting titles and recommend only these, so that you spend less time wading through lists of so-so books and more time reading exceptional literature. Here you can find a wide range of authors, including many unknowns before they become household names. They also offer hundreds of reading guides, interviews, extended author biographies, literary quizzes and much else.

541 visits

Wizi - free app for instant location sharing through SMS

Ever tried to explain by phone where you are with little success? Get Wizi, a free mobile application that allows you to share your location instantly with anyone by SMS or e-mail. The location map can be opened on any phone with a browser, so also elder phones. This application is very tiny and works very fast. Use Wizi to tell a friend where you are now or where you are going to meet. By joining the Wizi community you can earn credits for free SMS.

533 visits

Low cost hotelson HostelsWorld

Looking for a budget bed worldwide? On Hostelworld you can search and book online from a huge range of over 24,000 hostels across the globe at the best rates! Hostelworld is a world-recognized brand and leader for booking hostels online. They site is complete up to the minute: guest reviews and ratings, descriptions and photos help you find the best hostel for your needs. They also provide city and country guides.

1425 visits

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