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Italiano Spanish French German - What's new today 28-Feb-2007

en find out what the name of that bird is

Whether you have just started to feed birds in your back yard or have been birding for years, identifying the birds you see is a large part of the fun and challenge of the hobby of "bird watching." The emergence of the Internet, the Web and digital photography will make it easier for those interested in wild birds to share their experience and knowledge. Name That Bird! is a free, wild bird identification service. To participate, e-mail an image of the bird in question. "Experts" will attempt to identify the bird for you. Everyone submitting an image will receive a response.

775 visits

OziPhotoTool - free download

OziPhotoTool combines the technology of a GPS receiver and a digital camera to automatically keep a record of where digital photos were taken. Most digital cameras have EXIF metadata stored as part of the photo. This includes is the date and time the photo was taken. Many GPS units have 'tracklogs', OziExplorer can read these tracks and as long as the GPS was in the same location as the camera this represents the location of the photo. OziPhotoTool outputs the linkage between the photo and its location by creating an OziExplorer waypoint file, generating map features, watermarking the photos, embedding location information in GPS EXIF tags, creating GoogleEarth kml/kmz files and more, so you can share you photo locations. OziPhotoTool is completely free.

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